A bee feeding on a borage flower


Borago officinalis


This is a very easy to grow hardy annual, so easy it will soon be growing itself if it is happy in your garden. Borage makes a large plant covered in small, star-shaped blue flowers. These flowers refill with nectar in less than two minutes, meaning there is always food available for bees.

Sow In spring directly into the ground where it is to grow. Alternatively, it can be sown in pots and planted out as a sturdy young plant.

Grow Keep plants well-watered in dry weather for maximum nectar production. A couple of repeat sowings through the summer will provide a continuous supply.

Uses The pretty blue flowers are traditionally used in Pimms, and look lovely on cakes and scattered over salads. You can cut stems to add to homegrown bouquets. Some studies have shown that growing borage close to strawberries improves the flavour of the fruit. The hairy leaves are also edible, with a cucumber-like flavour. They can be cooked with spinach to make a pie filling or used in seasonal garden pesto.

Note: Borage is a hairy plant which can cause skin irritation in some people… if in doubt, wear gloves when handling or working around borage.