California poppy

Eschscholzia californica

An easy-going annual with bright orange flowers that will bring a touch of Californian summer to your garden. Drought-tolerant, happy to grow in poor soils and long-flowering if deadheaded, everyone should make space for California poppies.

Sow Best sown direct as they don’t like root disturbance. Start with a sowing in mid-April and again every two or three weeks until June to prolong the flowering season. Keep the ground watered until the seedlings are established and thin the plants out to give them about 15cm growing space.

Grow California poppies need full sun and good drainage to do well. Sow them among lavender plants for a jazzy colour combination. Once settled in the plants should need no attention beyond weeding and deadheading. The seeds can also be sown into large containers, either alone or with other annual seeds, for a summer display.

Uses The flowers are a good source of pollen for bees and hoverflies. Useful plants for hot, dry spots in the garden and especially good in gravel and coastal gardens.