Cerinthe flower


Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’

Cerinthe or honeywort is an unusual hardy annual with small, deep purple bell-shaped flowers and blue-green foliage. Autumn sown plants will start to flower in spring, providing valuable nectar for early foraging bees. The plant is classy enough to earn a place in the most refined of borders but will grow just as happily in cracks in paving.

Sow The large seeds are easy to sow, either direct or in pots. Sow in late August for early flowers the following year. Seed can also be started in spring for summer flowers.

Grow The plants love sun and well-drained soil, but will take some shade. The large seeds which are easy to collect as they ripen, although they do have a tendency to fall from the plant if you don’t catch them at just the right stage. If happy the plants will self-seed, which can be especially good for early spring flowers.

Uses An attractive plant that works well with Mexican feather grass (Stipa tenuissima), Calendula and lavender. Grow in wildlife gardens for its nectar-rich flowers – bees love them!