
Coriandrum sativum


Coriander, or cilantro, is grown for its leaves, seeds and edible flowers. With a long history of cultivation (coriander seed has been found in Egyptian tombs), it must be good!

The fresh leaves can be used in salsas, dips, salads, soups, stir fries. Toast coriander seeds to use whole or ground in curries, soups, stews, chutneys and marinades.

Sow From April right through to September. Coriander is prone to bolting in hot, dry conditions so make regular sowings if you are growing it for leaves. Can be sown direct or into pots. You can also sow shallow trays of coriander indoors to harvest as microgreens. Keep plants watered.

Grow Pick the leaves regularly from young plants. Some shade and regular watering helps prolong the productive life of plants in summer. Once it does start to flower you can either replace the plants with fresh seedlings or leave it to produce seed.

Uses Green coriander seed is delicious and the dry seed can be saved to use in the kitchen, or to sow in the following year. Add the leaves to salads, salsas, coleslaw, chimichuri… so many uses for coriander leaf. The toasted seeds add flavour to many dishes. Scatter the pretty white flowers over salads.