French marigold flowers

French marigold

Tagetes patula

French marigolds are often grown as companion plants for tomatoes because their scent deters whitefly. Beyond this use, they are lovely plants to grow in their own right. Good for edging borders and planting in summer containers. The petals are edible and can be used in cake decorations and salads.

Sow Seed can be started indoors in early spring for early summer flowers. Sow into small pots filled with peat-free compost and keep in a warm place to help germination. Grow on in a light spot and harden the plants off before planting them out after the last frost. Alternatively (or as well), sow direct where the plants are to flower in early summer.

Uses As mentioned above, French marigolds are good companion plants for tomatoes, but also for chillies and peppers, aubergines, basil and cucumbers. Not so good companions for cabbage or beans though, so give them some distance. Their long-flowering habit makes them a good addition to summer pots, or plant them wherever there’s a gap that needs a bit of colour in a border. If you are using the edible flowers, be sure to remove the white base of the petal as this has a bitter taste.

Grow French marigolds like lots of sun and a fertile soil… much like tomatoes, which helps explain why they are such good companions. Plant out in borders, the greenhouse or pots. Water in dry weather, especially container-grown plants which will also benefit from an occasional liquid feed. Deadhead to keep the plants looking good and producing lots of flowers.